Classic Retrofit reaches 1000 likes on Facebook

We're proud to say that Classic Retrofit has hit the magic 1,000-like point on Facebook. It is amazing that our sporadic social media shares from the coalface of cutting-edge upgrades for classic car mechanicals have earned the attention of more than one thousand like-minded followers. 

We appreciate that many of our customers and would-be patrons are not active on social media, but we try to cater for all tastes via a variety of social media and mailing list content. One thing you can count on is that Classic Retrofit will not spam you or use any details held for alternative means. We also try to keep marketing noise to a minimum: there is enough noise in the world without us adding to it unnecessarily! So, while 1,000 likes may seem like nothing to some people, it means a lot to us. We really appreciate the support.

Classic Retrofit shares updates on Facebook and Instagram. Follow us on whatever platform suits your style and don't forget to tag us in your project pics. Those who eschew social media can always email pics and updates to us at